The Ohara Memorabilia Collection
Memorabilia are such things as flags, badges and banners connected with organizations and famous persons. Our memorabilia collection also includes documents such as diaries and party membership lists. The listing of memorabilia is based on persons and organizations. The listing of organizations-related memorabilia is further divided by organization types and periods. By clicking each listed item, you can see a list of thumbnail pictures. And by clicking thumbnail pictures, you can see enlarged pictures.
(Memorabilia connected with persons)
社会・労働運動関係者 (Persons related to Social and Labor Movements)
労働組合期成会関係資料など(Association for the Establishment of Labor Unions related documents, etc.)
原稿「在露三年」など(“Three years in Russia,” manuscript, etc.)
ノートなど (Notebooks, etc.)
1929年東京市議選関係資料 (the 1929 Tokyo Municipal Assembly Election related materials)
1930年議院選挙関係資料 (the 1930 House of Representative Election related materials)
「同志野坂を迎へて」など(“Welcome back, Comrade Nosaka,” etc.)
人民戦線事件裁判資料など (Documents related to the trial for the Popular Front Incident, etc.)
大原社会問題研究所関係者 (Persons related to the Ohara Institute)
憲法試案など(Private drafts of constitutions, etc.)
【団体資料 戦前】
(Memorabilia connected with Organizations in prewar Japan)
労働運動関係 (Labor Movements)
組合旗・垂れ幕など(Union flags, Hanging Banners, etc.)
全日本印刷工組合信友会、全日本鉱夫総連合会、東京乗合従業員組合本部など(All-Japan Printers Union Shinyukai, All-Japan Miners’ Federation, Tokyo Bus Workers Union Headquarters, etc.)
友愛会5周年記念章など(Badge commemorating 5th anniversary of the formation of Yuaikai [Friendly Society], etc.)
石川島造船所争議カンパ帳、など(Donation records from the Ishikawajima Shipyard struggle, etc.)
農民運動関係 (Farmers’ Movements)
日農創立関係文書 (Documents related to the Establishment of Japan Farmers’ Union)
賀川豊彦 日農創立大会宣言草案など (Draft of the Inaugural Declaration, Japan Farmers’ Union by Kaga Toyohiko, etc.)
日本農民組合新潟県連合会など (Japan Farmers’ Union Niigata prefecture federation, etc.)
日本農民組合青年部創立大会、日本農民組合第五回全国大会会場など(Japan Farmers’ Union Youth Division Inauguration Assembly, Japan Farmers’ Union 5th National Assembly meeting place, etc.)
日本農民組合員之章など(Member’s badge, Japan Farmers’ Union, etc.)
全農総本部看板、ギャベルなど(Nameboard of Japan Farmers’ Union General Headquarters, gavel, etc.)
政治運動関係 (Political Movements)
明治社会主義運動関係 (Socialist Movements in the Meiji Era)
赤旗(赤旗事件の赤旗と同種の物)、旗「平民新聞遊園会」など(Red Flag [Same type of flag as the red flag of the Red Flag Incident], “Heimin (People’s) Newspaper Festival” Flag, etc.)
党員名簿など (Party members’ rosters, etc.)
日本社会主義同盟名簿、労働農民党名簿など (Socialist Federation , Labor-Farmer Party, etc.)
社会運動関係 (Social Movements)
「共営社」看板・千本水平社・「産児制限器具」 (Kyoeisha Nameboard, Multiple Levelling Society, “Birth Control Implements”)
【団体資料 戦後】
(Memorabilia connected with Organizations in Postwar Japan)
労働組合関係 (Labor Movements)
組合旗・垂れ幕・ゼッケン (Union flags, Hanging Banners, Saddlecloths)
産別会議旗、公務員共闘会議→全造船機械労組殿 「檄」など(Congress of Industrial Unions of Japan [Sanbetsu Kaigi] Flag, “Geki” Flag From the Joint Struggle Committee of Public-Sector Unions to All
Japan Shipbuilding and Engineering Union [Zenzosen Kikai], etc.)
農民団体関係 (Farmers’ Movements)
組合旗・ゼッケン他 (Union flags, Saddlecloths, Banners, etc.)
日本農民組合、新潟県生産調整反対など (Japan Farmers’ Union, Against Niigata prefecture production control, etc.)
農民組合バッジ (Farmers’ Union Badges)
政治運動関係 (Political Movements)
政党、選挙バッジ (Badges of Political Parties and Election Campaign)
社会運動関係 (Social Movements)
平和運動バッチ(Peace Movement Badges)
全国水平社創立50周年記念、婦人解放デーの幟など (A flag, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the National Levelling Society [Suiheisha], Women’s Liberation Day Banner, etc.)
(Translation of texts: by Izumi Nakayama)