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Macnab, Henry Grey: The new view of Mr. Owen of Lanark impartially examined, as rational means of ultimately promoting the productive industry, comfort, moral improvement, and happiness of the labouring classes of society, and of the poor; and of training up children in the way in which they should go: also observations on the New Lanark school, and on the systems of education of Mr. Owen, of the Rev. Dr. Bell, and that of the New British and foreign system of mutual instruction. Dedicated (by permission) to His Royal Highness the duke of Kent and Strathearn, &c. &c. London, J. Hatchard, 1819. iv, 234 p.

_______ : do.

Macpherson, David: Annals of commerce, manufactures, fisheries, and navigation, with brief notices of the arts and sciences connected with them. Containing the commercial transactions of the British Empire and other countries, from the earlieat accounts to the meeting of the Union Parliament in January l801; and comprehending the most valuable part of the late Mr. Anderson’s history of commerce, viz. from the year 1492 to the end of the reign of George II., king of Great Britain, &c. With a large appendix, containing chronological tables of the sovereigns of Europe, tables of the alterations of money in England and Scotland, a chronological table of the prices of corn, &c., and a commercial and manufactural gazetteer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; with a general chronological index. The antient part composed from the most authentic original historians and public records, printed and in manuscript; and the modern part from materials of unquestionable authenticity (mostly unpublished) extracted from the records of Parliament, the accounts of the custom-house, the mint, the board of trade, the post-office, the Eastern-India Company, the Bank of England, &c. &c. 4 vols. London, Nichols and son etc., 1805. Vol. I: xvii, 719 p. Vol. II: 738 p. Vol III: 728 p. Vol. IV: 550, [cxciv] p.

Maine, Henry Sumner: Village-communities in the east and west. Six lectures delivered at Oxford. By Sir Henry Sumner Maine, K.C.S.I. LL.D. F.R.S. Author of “Ancient law” and “The early history of institutions” To which are added other lectures, addresses, and essays. 3. ed. London, J. Murray, 1876. xii, 413 p.

________ : The early history of the property of married women, as collected from roman and hindoo law. A lecture, delivered at Birmingham, March 25, 1873, by Sir Henry Sumner Maine, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., member of the council of India and corpus professor of jurisprudence in the University of Oxford. This lecture, the substance of which forms part of an unpublished work, is reprinted for the married women’s property committee, with the permission of the author. Manchester, A. Ireland &. Co., n.d. 21 p. (In; Hoskins, J. T.: A few words.)

Malchus, C. A. Freiherr von: Statistik und Staatenkunde. Ein Beitrag zur Staatenkunde von Europa. Von C. A. Freiherrn von Malchus, Königlich Wirlembergischen Finanz-Präsidenten, Commandeur des Königl. Wirtembergischen Civil-Verdienst-Ordens. Stuttgart u. Tübingen, J. G. Cotta, 1826. xvi, 588 p.

Malthus, Thomas Robert: An essay on the principle of population; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness; with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions. A new [2.] ed., very much enlarged. By T. R. Malthus, A. M. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. London, J. Johnson, 1803. viii, 610 p.

_______ : do. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus, A.M.F.R.S. late fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and professor of history and political economy in the East-India College, Hertfordshire. 6. ed. 2 vols. London, J. Murray, 1826. Vol. I: xviii, 535 p. Vol. II: iv, 528 p.

_______ : A letter to Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P. on his proposed bill for the amendment of the poor laws. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus, A. M., late fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge; and author of the Essay on the principle of population. London, J. Johnson and J. Hatchard, 1807. 40 p. (With dedication of the author in his own handwriting: Rev. Dr. Henley/with Mr. Malthus Compliments)

_______ : do.

_______ : Observations on the effects of the corn laws, and of a rise or fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus, professor of history and political economy in the East India College, Hertfordshire. 3. ed. London, J. Murray, 1815. 47 p.

_______ : Principles of political economy considered with a view to their practical application. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus, M.A. F.R.S. Professor of history and political economy in the East India College Hertfordshire. 2. ed. with cosiderable additions from the author’s own manuscript and an original memoire. London, W. Pickering, 1836. liv, 446 p.

[Mandeville, Bernard de]: The fable of the bees: or, private vices, public benefits. With an essay on charity and charity-schools. And a search into the nature of society. To which is added, a vindication of the book from the aspersions contain’d in a presentment of the grand-jury of Middlesex, and an abusive letter to Lord C. 3. ed. London, J. Tonson, 1724, [xiv,] 477 p.

_______ : do. 6. ed. 1732.

_______ : The fable of the bees. Part II. By the author of the first. 2. ed. London, J. Roberts, 1733. xxx, 432, [xxiv] p.

[The] manual of liberty: on testimonies in behalf of the rights of mankind; selected from the best authorities, in prose and verse, and methodically arranged. London, H. D. Symonds, 1795. v, 406 p.

_______ : Marx, Karl: Die heilige Familie, oder Kritik der kritischen Kritik. Gegen Bruno Bauer & Consorten. Frankfurt a. M.,J. Rütten, 1845. viii, 335 S.

_______ : Misère de la philosophie. Réponse à la philosophie de la misère de M. Proudhon. Paris, A. Frank, 1847. 178 p.

_______ : Manifest der kommunistischen Partei. Veröffentlicht im Februar 1848. London, R. Hirschfeld, 1848. 24 S. (With the dedication in handwriting: Hern Prof. T. Kushida zur Erinnerung an den Besuch des Archivs der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands gewidmet. Janny Hinrichsen. Berlin, des 15. VII. 21.)

_______ : Der Ritter vom edelmüthigen Bewußtsein. [1853.] 34 S. (Typescript)

_______ : Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. 1. Heft. Berlin, F. Duncker, 1859. viii, 170 S. (Bibliothek von L. Kugelmann)

_______ : do.

_______ : Herr Vogt. London, A. Petsch & Co., 1860. vi, 191 S.

_______ : do.

_______ : Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. 1. Bd. Buch 1: Der Produktionsprocess des Kapitals. Hamburg, 0. Meissner, 1867. xii, 784 S. (Bibliothek von L. Kugelmann) (With dedication of the author in his own handwriting: Seinem Freund Dr. Kugelmann/Hanover. 17 Sept. 1868. Karl Marx.)

_______ : do. 2. verb. Aufl. Hamburg. 0. Meissner, 1872. 830 S.

_______ : Le capital. Traduction de M. J. Roy, entièrement revisée par l’auteur. Paris, M. Lachatre, [1872.] 351 p.

_______ : Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte. 2. Ausg. Hamburg, 0. Meissner, 1869. vi, 98 S. (In; Brochures socialistes) (With dedication of the author in his own handwriting: à son ami W. Vaillant/Londres, 2 Decembre, 1871. Karl Marx.)

_______ : The civil war in France. Address of the general council of the international working-men’s association. 2. ed. revised. London, E. Truelove, 1871. 34, [ii] p.

_______ : Der Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich. Adresse des Generalraths der internationalen Arbeiter-Assoziation an alle Mitglieder in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten. Separatabdruck aus dem Volksstaat. Leipzig, Verlag der Expedition des Volksstaat, 1872. 55 S.

_______ : Die Klassenkämpfe in Frankreich 1848 bis 1850. Abdruck aus der ,,Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung“. Politischökonomische Revue, Hamburg 1850. Mit Einleitung von Friedrich Engels. Berlin, Vorwärts, 1895. 12 S. (In; Brochures socialiates) (With the dedication in handwriting: Au citoyen Vaillant/Londre 12/4/95 F. Engels.)

_______ : Marx-Engels Archiv Zeitschrift des Marx-Engels-Instituts in Moskau hrsg.v.D.Rjazanov. 1. Bd. Frankfurt .a. M.n.d. viii 549 S.(With the dedication in handwriting: To Ohara Institute/with compliments/from the institute of Marx and Engels/D.Riazanov.)

_______ : see, Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher.

_______ : see, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.

Mather, Joseph: Socialism exposed. London, The Religions Tract Society, nd. [1840.] 14 p.

Maurer, Georg Ludwig von: Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark-, Hof-, Dorf-, und Stadt_ Verfassung und der öffentlichen Gewalt. Von Georg Ludwig von Maurer, Staats- und Reichsrath, Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften in München, der königlichen Societät in Göttingen, der gel. Gesellschaften in Athen, Jassy, Darmstadt, Wetzlar u.a.m., Commandeur, Großofficier und Großkreuz verschiedener Orden. München, C. Kaiser, 1854. xiii, 338 S.

_______ : Geschichte der Markenverfassung in Deutschland. Von Georg Ludwig von Maurer, Staats_ und Reichsrath, Mitglied der Akademien der Wissenschaften in München und in Berlin, der königl. Societät in Göttingen, der gel. Gesellschaften in Athen, Jassy, Darmstadt, Wiesbaden u.a.m. Commandeur, Großoffcier und Großkreuz verschiedener Orden. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1856. xx, 494 S.

_______ : Geschichte der Städtever-fassung in Deutschland. Von Georg Ludwig von Maurer, Mitglied der Akademien der Wissenschaften in München und in Berlin, der königl Societät der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, der gel. Gesellschaften in Athen, Jassy, Darmstadt, Wetzlar, Wiesbaden u.a.m. 4 Bde. Erlangen, F. Enke, Bd. I: 1869, xiv, 657 S. Bd. II: 1870, xiii, 912 S. Bd. III: 1870, xliv, 796 S. Bd. IV: 1871, viii, 486 S.

Mayhew, Henry: London labour and the London poor: the condition and earnings of those that will work, cannot work, and will not work. Vol. I. London street-folk. London, C. Griffin, nd. 543, [ii] p. 36 illust.

Mayr, Georg: Die Gesetzmäßigkeit im Gesellschaftsleben. Statistische Studien von Dr. Georg Mayr, Ministerialrath und Universitätsprofessor. München, R. Oldenbourg, 1877. xii, 354 S.

Mazzini, Joseph: Le pape au dix-neuvième siècle. Par J. Mazzini, triumvir de la République romaine. 2. éd. Paris, Bureau de Nouveau Monde, 1850. 71 p.(In; Brochures socialistes.)

McLennan, John Ferguson: Studies in ancient history. Comprising a reprint of primitive marriage. An inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies. London, B. Quaritch, 1876. xxx, 507 p.

Meißner, Alfred: Revolutionäre Studien aus Paris,(1849.) 2 Bde. in 1 Bd. Frankfurt am Main Literarische Anstalt, 1849. Bd. I: xi, 276 S. Bd. II: iv, 268 S.

Meitzen, August: Der Boden und die landwirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse des preussischen Staates nach dem Gebietsumfange vor 1866. Im Auftrage Ihrer Excellenzen des Ministers der Finanzen und des Ministers für die landwirthschsftlichen Angelegenheiten unter Benutzung der amtlichen Quellen dargestellt von August Meitzen, Dr. phil., Königl. Regierungs-Rath. Bd. I. Berlin, Wiegandt & Hempel, 1868. xix, 511 S.

Mesnil-Marigny, Du: Histoire de l’économie politique des anciens peuples de l’Inde, de l’Égypte, de la Judée et de la Grèce. 2. éd. 2 vol. Paris, H. Plon, 1873. Tom. I.: 487 p. Tom. II: 442 p.

Meusel, Johann Georg: Litteratur der Statistik. 1. Bd. 2., ganz umgearb. Ausg. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1806. xxii, 730 S.

Meyer, Rudolph: Der Sociolismus in Dänemark. Staatswissenschaftliche Inaugural-Dissertation der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Jena zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwürde. Berlin, C. Ringer & Sohn, 1874. 45 S.

M’Gavin, W.: The fundamental principles of the New Lanark system exposed, in a series of letters to Robert Owen, Esq. Glasgow, A. Young, 1824. 96 p.

Michaelis, Richard: Die Gliederung der Gesellschaft nach dem Wohlstande, auf Grund der neueren amtlichen deutschen Einkommens- und Wohnungsstatistik. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1878. viii, 134 S. (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen hrsg. von G. Schmoller. 1. Bd. 5. Heft.)

Michel, Louise: see, Assassinat.

Michelet: see, Demokratische Studien.

Mignet, François Auguste Alexis: Histoire de la Révolution française, depuis 1789 jusqu’en 1814. 2 vol. Paris, F. D. Frères. Tom. I: 7. éd. 1837. 416 p. illustr. Tom. II: 6. éd. 1845. 374 p. illustr.

Miles, William: A letter to Henry Duncombe, Esq., member for the county of York, on the subject of the very extraordinary pamphlet, lately addressed by Mr. Burke, to a noble lord. 3. ed. London, J. Debrett, 1796. xii, 100 p. (In; Peace and reform.)

Mill, James: Commerce defended. An answer to the arguments by which Mr. Spence, Mr. Cobbett, and others, have attempted to prove that commerce is not a source of national wealth. 2. ed. By James Mill, Esq., author of An essay on the imopolicy of a bounty on the exportation. London, C. and H. Baldwin, 1808. 154 p.

_______ : The history of British India. 3 vols. London, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1817. Vol. I: vii, xxxii, 648 p. 1 map. Vol II: vii, 718 p. 1 map. Vol. III: 777 p.

Mill, John Stuart: On liberty. London, J. W. Parker, 1859. 207 p.

_______ : Principles of political economy with some of their applications to social philosophy 7. ed. 2 vols. London, Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1871. Vol. I: xvi, 617 p. Vol. II: xv, 608 p.

_______ : Gesammelte Werke. Autorisirte Uebersetzung unter Redaction von Prof. Dr. Theodor Gomperz. 2. 7. 10. 11. Bd. Leipzig, R. Reisland. Bd. II: 1872, xxxi, 339 S. Bd. VII: 1869, vi, 295 S. Bd. X: 1874, 252 S. Bd. XI: 1875, 249 S.

Minutes of the meetings of the International Workingmen’s Association. 3 vols. (Photo.)

Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti: L’ami des hommes, ou traité de la population. Tom. I: 4. éd. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1758. 308 p. Tom. II: 5. éd. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1758. 426 p. Tom: III: 5. éd. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1760. 422 p. Tom. IV: Précis de l’organisation, ou mémoire sur les états provinciaux. 6. éd. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1760. 208 p. 5. Partie: Mémoire sur l’agriculture, envoyé à la trés-louable Société d’Agriculture de Berne; avec l’extrait des six premiers livres du corps complet d’économie rustique de feu M. Thomas Hale. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1760. vi, 281, [iv] p. 6. Partie: Réponse à l’essai sur les ponts et chaussées, la voirie et les corvées. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1760. 205 p. 7. Partie: Tableau économique, avec ses explications. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1760. 192, [iii] p. 6 tab. 8. Partie: Lettres pour servir de suite à l’ami des hommes. Hambourg, C. Hérold, 1760. 105 p.

Mohl, Robert von: Encyklopädie der Staatswissenschaft. Tübingen, H. Laupp, 1859 viii, 760 S.

_______ : do. 2. umgearb. Aufl. Tübingen, H. Laupp, 1872. xii, 775 S. (Hasbachs Bibliothek)

Molesworth, William: see, Villiers, C. P.: The speeches.

Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat: De l’esprit des loix, ou du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernement, les moeurs, le climat, la religion, le commerce, &c. A quoi l’auteur a ajouté des recherches nouvelles sur les loix romaines touchant les successions, sur les loix françaises, et sur les loix féodales. Dernière [ 2.] édition, revue, corrigée & considérablement augmentée par l’auteur. Tom. 1. Amsterdam, 1749. xviii, 533 p.

_______ : Oeuvres complètes de Montesquieu. Nouvelle édition. Contenant toutes ses oeuvres posthumes et les notes d’Helvétius sur une partie de l’Esprit des lois. 7 vol. Basle, J. Decker, 1799. Tom. I: iv, 416, xii p. Tom. II: 428, xvi p. Tom. III: 427, xvi p. Tom. IV: 397 p. Tom. V: 408 p. Tom, VI: xii, 344 p. Tom. VII: x, 256 p.

More, Thomas: L’utopie de Thomas Morus, chancelier d’Angleterre; idée ingénieuse pour remédier au malheur des hommes; & pour leur procurer une felicité complette. Cet ouvrage contient le plan d’une république dont les lois, les usages, & les coutumes tendent uniquement à faire faire aux sociétes humaines le passage de la vie dans toute la douceur imaginable. République, qui deviendra infalliblement réelle, dès que les mortels se conduiront par Ia raison. Traduite nouvallement en français par Mr.Guendeville, &, ornée de trés belles figures. Leiden, P. Vander, 1715. [cxlii] 372, 48p.14 tab.

_______ : Du meilleur gouvernment possible, ou la nouvelle isle d’utopie, dé Thomas Morus, traduction nouvelle. 2. éd., avec des notes; par M.T.Rousseau. Paris, J. Blanchon, 1789. xxiv, 295 p.

_______ : A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, and of the new isle called utopia; written in Latin by the right worthy and famous Sir Thomas More, Knight, and translated into English by Raphe Robinson. A.D. 1551. A new ed.: with copious notes, (including the whole of Dr. Warner’s) and a biogrophical and literary introduction. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, F. S. A. author of “An introduction to the knowledge of the best editions of the greek and latin classics.” Vol. I. London, W. Miller, 1808. viii, clxxx, 141 p. 1 portrait.

_______ : Utopia: or, the happy republic. A philosophical romance, by Sir Thomas More. To which is added, The New Atlantis, by Lord Bacon. With a preliminary discourse, containing an analysis of Plato’s Republic &c.; and copious notes, by J. A. St. John, Esq. London, J. Rickerby, 1838. 10, lxiv, 271 p.

_______ : [Morgan, John Minter]: The Revolt of the bees. 2. ed. London, Hurst, Chance & F. Wilson, 1830. xi, 182 p. (With signature: William/Burne/40 Salisbury St.)

_______ : Hampden in the nineteenth century; or, colloquies on the errors and improvement of society. 2 vols. London, E. Moxon, 1834. Vol. I: xiv, 389 p. 4 plates. Vol. II: v, 431 p. 5 plates.

_______ : do.

_______ : The christian commonwealth. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the amorites, in whose land ye dwelll; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” To which is added, an inquiry respecting private property, and the authority and perpetuity of the apostolic institution of a community of goods. From a periodical of 1827. London, C. Gilpin, 1850. x, 151 p. 1 illust. (The Phoenix library. Selected by J. M. Morgan.)

Morgan, Lewis H.: Ancient society or researches in the linen of human progress from savagery, through barbarism to civilization. By Lewis H. Morgan, LL. D., member of the National Academy of Sciences. Author of “The League of the Iroquois”, “The american Beaver and his works”, “Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family,” etc. London Macmillan, 1877. xvi, 560 p.

Morgan, William : A review of Dr. Price’s writings, on the subject of the finances of this kingdom: to which are added the three plans communicated by him to Mr. Pitt in the year 1786, for redeeming the national debt: and also an enquiry into the real state of the public income and expenditure, from the establishment of the consolidated fund to the year 1791. By William Morgan, F.R.S. London, T. Cadell, 1792. viii, 72 p. (In; Morgan, W.: Memoires.)

_______ : Facts addreased to the serious attention of the people of Great Britain respecting the expence of the war, and the state of the national debt. London, J. Debrett, T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1796, vii, 45 p. (In; Morgan, W.: Memoires)

_______ : Memoirs of the life of the Rev. Richard Price, D.D. F.R.S. By William Morgan, F.R.S. London, R. Hunter & R. Rees, l815. viii, 189 p.

Most Johann: Die socialen Bewegungen im alten Rom und der Cässarismus. Berlin, Allgemeine Deutsche Associations-Buchdruckerei, 1878. 112 S.

Most’s Proletarier-Liederbuch. In 5. Aufl. zusammengestellt und hrsg. von Gustav Geilhof in Chemnitz. Chemnitz, G. Rübner, 1875. 78 S.

[Les] murailles révolutionnaires de 1848. Collection des décrets, bulletins de la république adhésions, affiches, fac-simile de signatures professions de foi, etc. Précédée d’une préface d’Alfred Delvau. (Paris & les départements) 17; éd. Entièrement conforme à la première édition; et augmentée: d’un grand nombre de pièces, de la préface de M. Chevalier, de la table alphabétique, des portraits, etc., publiés pour la première fois comme supplément à la 16. édition. Affiches coloriées. 2 tomes en 1 vol. Paris, E. Picard, n.d. Tom. I: 480 p. Tom. II: 552, xxxii p.

