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Echtermeyer: see, Hallische Jahrbücher.

Eden, Frederic Morton: The state of the poor: or, an history of the labouring classes in England, from the conquest to the present period ; in which are particularly considered, their domestic economy, with respect to diet, dress, fuel, and habitation; and the various plans which, from time to time, have been proposed, and adopted, for the relief of the poor : together with parochial reports relative to the administration of work-houses, and houses of industry; the state of friendly societies; and other public institutions ; in several agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing, districts. With a large appendix; containing a comparative and chronological table of the prices of labour, of provisions, and of other commodities; an acount of the poor in Scotland; and many original documents of subjects of national importance. By Sir Frederic Morton Eden, Bart. 3 vols. London, B. & J. White etc., 1797. Vol. I: xxxi, 632 p. Vol. II: viii, 692 p. Vol. III: viii, 693-904, ccccxxx p.

Enfantin, Barthélemy Prosper : see, Saint-Simon, H.: Science de l’homme physiologie religieuse.

Engels, Friedrich: Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England. Nach eigner Anschauung und authentischen Quellen. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, 1845. 358 S. 1 Tab.

_______ : Po und Rhein. Berlin, F. Duncker, 1859. 64 S.

_______ : Die preußische Militärfrage und die deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Hamburg, 0. Meißner, 1865. 55 S. (Bibliothek von Kugelmann)

_______ : Der deutsche Bauernkrieg. 2. mit einer Einleitung versehener Abdruck. Leipzig, Volksstaat, 1870. 108 S.

_______ : Die Wohnungsfrage. Eine sociale Skizze. Von A. M. Separat-Abdruck aus dem „Volksstaat.“ Leipzig, Volksstaat, 1872. 28 S.

_______ : Soziales aus Rußland. Leipzig, Genossenschaftsbuchdruckerei, 1875. 16 S.

_______ : Herrn Eugen Dühring’s Umwälzung der Wissenschaft. Philosophie. Politische Oekonomie. Sozialismus. Leipzig, Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei, 1878. viii, 274 S.

_______ : Internationales aus dem Volksstaat (1871-75) Berlin, Vorwärts, 1894. 72 S. (In; Brochures socialistes) (With the dedication of the author in handwriting: Au citoyen Ed. Vaillant/ Londre à 25/1/94 F. Engels.)

_______ : see, Marx, Karl: Die heilige Familie.

_______ : see, Marx, K.: Manifest der kommunistischen Partei.

_______ : see, Marx, K.: Marx-Engels Archiv.

Ensor, George: Of property, and of its equal distribution, as promoting virtue, population, abundance. London, E. Wilson, 1844. 188 p.

Erskine, Thomas: The only genuine edition of the speeches of the Hon. T. Erskine, and S. Kyd, Esq. on the trial of T. Williams, for publishing Thomas Paine’s Age of Reason; with Ld. Kenyon’s charge to the jury. London, Evans & Bone, n.d. 50p.

[De] l’esprit. Paris, Durand, 1758. xxii, 643 p.

[An] esssy towards illustrating the science of insurance. Wherein it is attempted to fix, by precise calculation, several important maxims upon this subject; to solve various problems, and cases of contest; and particularly to balance, whether it be nationally advantageous to insure the ships of our foreign enemies. Addressed to the Right Hon. Henry Pelham, Esq.; By the author of a letter from a bystander. London, 1747. xv, 61 p. ( In; The state of the nation.) ( With the dedication of the author in handwriting: To Sir Mathen Decker/ from the Author.)

Essellen, Chr.: see, Becker, J. P.: Geschichte der süddeutschen Mai-Revolution.

Etzler, J. A.: The new world or mechanical system, to perform the labours of man and beast by inanimate powers, that cost nothing, for producing and preparing the substances of life. With plates. As a sequel of his „Paradise” Philadelphia, C. F. Stollmeyer, 1841. 75 p.

