Metal-Working Industries
会社案の真相を知れ! 労働法規労働協約改悪絶対反対 |
既得権益を守れ 労働法規労働協約改悪絶対反対
労働法規改悪反対 We oppose the revision of labor laws for the worse. The Federation of Mitubishi Heavy Industry Unions 19– 37cmx53cm |
豊和争議 見よ!この暴圧 Howa Sogi, Look at this brutal oppression! Aichi Sanbetsu 1949.02 36cmx53cm |
’69春闘 500万金属労働者の総結集を! The 1969 spring offensive, Rally the forces of 5 millioin metal workers! The Joint Struggle Committee of Metal Workers (Kinzoku Kyoto) 1969 36cmx52cm |
七四国民春闘勝利 東日本金属青年労働者3・29総決起集会 |
戦列組んで 大興電機争議 Forming a line of battle, The labor dispute at Taiko Denki. 全国金属 1968 36cmx51cm |
この門をひらけV 沖電気争議 |
3月8日国際婦人デー March 8, the International Day of Women All-Japan Federation of Metal Workers’ Unions (Zen-Nihon Kinzoku) 19– 52cmx75cm |
Updated date:2021.07.28